A small Achillobator, trying to hop the stone pillars
Two female Albertaceratops are reunited after years of being apart
A female Spinosaurus, is out for her morning drink
A male and female Pachyrhinosaurus are marching across the mudflats to return home
A male Albertosaurus, patrols the borders of his territory
A Lurdusaurus is having a sit under the waves
Two male Mamenchisaurus size each other up for a fight, while a little hermit crab has a front row seat
A male Wuerhosaurus is being followed by a friendly female Pterosaur
Two male Homalocephale ready themselves to fight for their spot on the rock
A large Barinasuchus is bringing home dinner
A Deinocheirus couple are soon going to become parents
A Shunosaurus, waiting for the sunrise
Deinocheirus at the zoo?!
Paleo - Request from a lot of fans!


